Today is my happy day. Guess what? Yup, today is my Birthday. No special celebration today, just dinner at Korean BBQ restaurant with my husband and lil sister, then going to cinema to watching movie.
Oh yeah, hubby give me present LV wallet. Wow surprise!! Surprise coz this is the second present in my B-Day. I am so happy!!
The celebration already end?
No!! Not yet. Coz this saturday, my big family planning to buy big cake together with candle for me, then get lunch.
The menu for lunch so special,cause my dad cook it special for me.
And usually my family, nephew, niece will give me a lot of present. Fun! Yeah, hopefully :)
Finish??!! Ohhh... Of course not. Guess what, i will share my happiness with you too guys. Yeah, that's right!
There are some special item that i will give it to you for free.. like Stamps, Punch, Pin, Pencil colours n Eemboss/Flock Marker.
This is how to do:
1. First, you must be in my friends list, so please add me first then be my follower.
2. Copy-Paste my picture gift to you are wall/ site bar.
3. Copy your link site that already have my picture gift (point 2) to this status comment.So I will check n give comment back to your site.
4. I will random your name for the winner
5. Valid 26 January 2011 until 26 February 2011
Accepted all Country
Good luck Guys....
Rina Damay
This is a Pictures of giveaway for winner no.1 and winner no.2,from me to you all...
Please Copy-Paste One of below Pictures into your wall/ site bar:
Winner no.1
Winner No.2
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