Hi Everyone...
I have been watching Korean Series for the last few days. One title movie is about 16-100 episodes. I can stay awake for the whole night if i watch those movies in CD form. It has nothing to do with making card, yet, it disturb a bit my card making schedule.
I sometime miss shooting advertisement. Before getting married, i used to be a serial TV actress and advertising model. I also had a manager and agent to help me to organise my schedule. Since the modelling activities consumed much time, from make up, decoration and lighting setting rubber time, i decided to withdraw myself from entertainment work.
These are a few photos of mine during movie/ advertisement shooting.
Procold Shooting Picture
Cooking Oil Shooting Pictures
Kelapa Gading Shooting Picture
Hidayah Series TV
Series TV
DAIA Advertisement
Series TV
Withdrawing from entertainment does not make me sad. I have more time to pursue my hobby of making card, have more time to travel with my husband and family, watch Korean series days to days, and now, try to pursue photography. Even though i only have two Lens at the moment, Such as EF 50mm lens and 18-135mm lens, in the short time, i plan to purchase EF 100mm Macro lens.
Whatever you do, as long as you love it, it gives you happiness. It is good to think positively.
Love is not only to love spouse or family, but also to love hobbies, such as making today's card.
This Card is to join Challenges:
- Fun Fold Card, Penny Black
- Free For All, Wee Memories
- Inspired by Song (Love You Long Time by Black Eyed Peas), Sentiment Sundays
Thanks for Peeking